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Friday, August 27, 2010

My Personalized Entertainment Package(s)

I am actually working on several posts -- in particular, I'm working on improving the depth and coverage of the posts I bring you, something that has not always been possible for one reason or another, and something I cannot guarantee on an ongoing basis for the same, nebulous reasons -- but with a new computer came the configuration.

Beyond adding my accounts to the e-mail program (and downloading my preferred e-mail program) and changing my wallpaper, I had to go through site after site, finding, downloading, and registering the programs I use. I then have to configure those -- setting my preferences, adding my templates and fonts, and so on -- and all of this takes time and attention, drawing my resources from other projects such as this one.

But this is only part of the reason: I am trying to create my own, personalized, entertainment "package," and I'm not sure how to do it. At the moment, I am specifically focusing on radio and podcasts, though I intend to expand into video once I have figured out how to go about doing this.

My first thought is to exploit playlist technology. I am using WinAmp, though I also have Windows Media, and both support playlists. WinAmp supports streaming media better, though. Regardless, it isn't like I have the media downloaded to my PC; I want to schedule entire blocks, even days, of streaming entertainment, and I'm not sure that playlist technology allows for that.

Many radio programs are available as podcasts or as specific stories, such as on NPR, which offers live, streaming content, individual interviews/stories, and individual shows. So, let's say I want to tune-in for a live show on NPR that morning, then listen to last night's Countdown, then flip over to another live stream, or a different (prerecorded) broadcast -- and this is the daily schedule I want to follow everyday.

I'm pretty sure this could be accomplished through JavaScript, or possibly even some really kick-ass HTML coding, using a timer and some simple redirects, but I'm not sure. If I can figure out how to make this work, it would be awesome to create my own, personalized "station" to share with others.

But mostly for me.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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