Censorship Laws do not only apply to "governmental entities," just like Discrimination Laws do not only apply to governmental entities. If you have access to, and/or use, Law Enforcement services to Target Individuals, then you are a governmental agency, anyway. If you have contracts with governmental agencies, including (but not limited to), the military, you are a governmental agency.
Quit hiding and Confess. Quit spinning this into theatre.
Why would you want to pay someone who does not want to bake your fucking cake, anyway; why give those people your business instead of some other, more deserving, bakery? Why would you ever allow a doctor who does not want to treat your child the opportunity to access your child's medical information and have physical contact? That's Child Endangerment!
Monopolies such as Facebook/IG/et. al., Google/YouTube/Blogger/Alphabet/The Pentagon, et. al., and Amazon (AWS) have no recourse, as we are forced to use their services because they are in violation of Anti-Trust Laws. Furthermore, they do not pay taxes in the US, so they cannot be considered US companies and can be treated as Foreign Agencies, even if they decline to register as such in a highly discouraged act of "Civil Disobedience."
I haven't signed in to Facebook in over three years, yet it is still tracking/monitoring my online information, and apparently compiling that into "personas" it sells -- or freely provides -- to both private and goernmental agencies. Despite the fact that I have opted-out of this, they do it anyway because -- according to them and their Terrorist army (illegal) -- the Law does not apply to "private companies."
You can no longer unilaterally change the Terms of Service contracts, even if you serve notice, especially when those "contracts" (which are only forced into Arbitration because they are not legally valid) were "agreed to" a decade ago. You will not be protected by legal loopholes which you claim allow you to collect and share, or sell, private data to govenmental agencies.
"Lawfare" is Terrorism.
Private companies that unilaterally decide who is and is not a "dangerous individual" then privately dox those users to other private entities who commit crimes against them, such as Targeting, is known as a Hit. You can, and will, face Criminal charges under the Kingpin Act -- just like Marco Rubio.
Encouraging others to vandalize, physically assault, Trespass against, hack, or discriminate against any group of people is known as Incitement. Depriving others of their Right to Work or collect funds that rightfully belong to them is called Sanctioning if you are a governmental agency. If you are not, it's called Larceny and Discrimination. Hacking peoples' private accounts is called Wire Fraud and Illegal Remote Access.
Harassing people online or offline is known as Stalking and Terrorism.
Media consultants are not attorneys. Defense contractors are -- by your own definition -- not Law Enforcement. If you have access to, or use, Law Enforcement resources as a private company or individual, it is known as Illegal Access and Impersonation or Color of Law. Those are Felonies.
"Eavesdropping" on citizens is called Wire-Tapping. "Fake News" is called Fraud. Prosecutorial Misconduct is exactly that, and filing false Criminal Charges or Lawsuits is an actionable Crime.
When you, as a private company, privately designate someone a "dangerous individual" or a member of one group or another -- be it LGBTQR2D2+, black people, Trump supporters, et. al. -- then not only provide them with those individuals' private information and encourage others to commit crimes against them, it is no longer Incitement, it is no longer Trespassing, it is no longer a Misdemeanor; it is Attempted Murder in the First. It is a Hit. It is Premeditated Murder or the attempt thereof.
Designating one's self as a Private company does not exempt you from the Law. You and ISrael cannot unilaterally dictate the Terms of THE FUCKING LAW at your own whim. You are not governmental agencies, so you do not have that power or Right. If you are governmental agencies, the Law still applies to you.
Now, here's the thing: I don't actually need your Confession. I have Evidence proving your Guilt. I like you for several counts of Premeditated Murder in the First. Your system absolutely was not "hacked;" you shared that information with governmental agencies by allowing them aaccess to it illegally without consent or informing the Targeted Individuals you privately designate as members of hate groups and/or dangerous.
You are legally designated a hate group by the FBI. The FBI is legally designated a Terrorist organization by the International Community.
You used Coercion to unilaterally change contracts that you broke anyway. Being a "private entity" which is legally defined as an "individual" does not allow you the right to designate yourself Above the Law or others as "legally" Targeted "dangerous" Individuals.
Understand that what these people are saying is that, as legally designated Private INDIVIDUALS, the Law does not apply to them; they are literally saying they can break the Law with impunity and victims have no Legal recourse.
They are saying that the Law does not apply to them, only to those of us they victimize; but, also, The Law only applies to us as Private Individuals and Companies, not to them.
They're fucking Wiseguys. Know your audience: It's the Mafia; they're a Mafia.
Only They are protected by the First Amendment (despite not being LEGAL citizens of this country), which does not protect Us. And also, too, that same Law allows them to use Kidnapping, Terrorism, Illegal Surveillance, Incitement, and Mafia Hits to "Enforce" the Law, which only applies to those they have privately deermined to be dangerous to them... but they can't be tried as Private Individuals because they are protected by the NDAA as governmental agencies -- until they are tried as Governmental Agencies.
And they are literally Terrorizing me and my family, hacking our networks and wiretapping our phones (and yours!), in an attempt to coerce me into providing them this information before they are hit with Criminal proceedings... that have already taken place. It's known as Targeting, or Terrorism.
And, if I provide this information publicly, they want to charge me with somehow violating "National Security" -- which clearly designates them as Governmental Agencies.
For example, Black Cube stalked, harassed, and terrorized alleged victims of Harvey Weinstein and face no charges because they are a Private Company. It is run by Mossad agents who, even though they are "retired," still have access to (and use) Law Enforcement resources to "legally" Terrorize and Harass victims.
That is known as a Show Trial meant to illegal sway public opinion and illegally garner Evidence against them to avoid Criminal Prosecution ("Lawyering Up"). They will then use this illegally garnered information as Evidence in a Pre-Emptive Strike against their accusers.
So, what happens when a private company or individual decides to unilaterally change the Law or exempt themselves from it?
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