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Monday, February 8, 2016

200mn American Voters' Info Found Unsecured Online

Even as more states adopt online voter registration practices, at least 200 million voter records have been discovered by hackers in recent months. This kind of security breach is what critics, and early adopters, feared most. While reports suggest no sensitive personal data was collected, names, phone numbers, and addresses were.

Reports on gerrymandering, voter registration "dumping," and more continue to surface, despite politicians' reassurances - and Bernie Sanders' close tie with Democratic media darling, Hillary Clinton, in Iowa makes these kinds of security issues a priority. The Iowa caucus results were so close, they were said to have come down to a coin toss. Immediately following the Clinton camp's winning announcement, some Sanders supporters cried foul. Of course, complaints of election fraud in traditional voting is nothing new, but online voting would be problematic. And the threat of a security breach concerning voters' sensitive details is real.

The medical industry faces similar hurdles when it comes to electronically sharing patients' information. A delay in this sort of communication can cost lives, but the risk of such sensitive information falling into the wrong hands is a valid concern for both doctors and patients.

On top of all this is the ongoing discussion concerning encryption. Military consulates and some politicians are deadset on ending the practice, while digital rights activists demand that users' privacy be respected, as well as protected. Discoveries seem to make the point for more privacy, and better encryption practices.

© Copyright 2016, The Cyberculturalist

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