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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The 31 Horror Movie Halloween Challenge

For the last several years, Rated B (formerly The Rundown) tried its best to review 31 horror movies throughout the month of October in celebration of Halloween and America's considerable contribution to the Horror film genre. Sometimes we succeeded. 

While we have decided to celebrate Halloween a different way this year, I heard of the 31 Horror Movie Halloween Challenge through social networking and thought I would share it with you in case you wish to participate.

As I understand it, you are supposed to watch at least 15 horror movies you have already seen -- and, preferably, review them on your blog or social network profile to share your experience with others -- then 16 horror movies you have never watched. You can set your own pace, perhaps binge-viewing on weekends like you're cramming for mid-terms or steadily devouring one film a day all month long.

Feel free to leave links in the comments below if you decide to participate!

© The Weirding, 2014

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