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Gettin Billy with It QAnon is based on Q-Sort: A psychological technique of which there are many variations, resulting in 50 descript...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Feds Crack-Up Global Child Porn Ring

Authorities say "unprecedented cooperation" with foreign law enforcement agencies helped them bring down a worldwide child-trafficking ring. At least 15 of the 35 men suspected of being involved were Americans, some of whom were living abroad and at least four of whom remain at-large in other countries.

Police say a message forum known as "Lost Boy" was the central hub of activity. Members had to post child porn in order to join and continue posting explicit images to remain members in good-standing. They were also developing a guide for pedophiles which detailed how to groom young boys for sexual relationships and move on when they grew too old to be attractive. "Lost Boy" operated between 2007 and 2009, when police closed it.

Authorities were also able to identify over 25 sexual abuse victims.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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