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Monday, March 29, 2010

Teri Hatcher Launching 'Chick Click' Site

Superman's former girlfriend, Desperate Housewife Teri Hatcher is about to become a Webmistress. Hatcher is teaming-up with Disney Family to launch GetHatched dotCom, a website she calls "a chick's guide to life." Hatcher will provide "editorial insight," as well as a face for the site, which she says provides "solutions to the needs and obligations of today's modern woman" through blogs, video, and multimedia content.

Hatcher already blogs for Glamour UK, Newsweek, and The 45-year old divorcee and mother of one also wrote the bestselling Burnt Toast and Other Philosophies of Life. Hatcher will oversee content production by a staff of experts, in addition to contributing.

The URL ( redirects to Disney Family's site under the Category Self. Disney launched the portal in 1999, after acquiring Starwave and Infoseek. In 2009, Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment. Both Desperate Housewives and The Adventures of Lois & Clark air/ed on ABC, and Teri Hatcher's first television appearance, and major TV role, was on ABC's The Love Boat.

Get Hatched launches in May.

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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