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Monday, July 17, 2017

The Washington Post Attacks The Intercept Over Reality Winner's Arrest

WikiLeaks Search Will Not Install
WikiLeaks Search Will Not Install
The Washington Post's vicious attacks on The Intercept -- claiming The Intercept did not provide adequate security for Reality Winner, a source for one of their exposes -- is a perfect example of the NDAA's effort to "crack down" on Press outlets they mislabel "fake news."  Barack Obama setup a committee to fight "Fake News" before leaving Office, as Democrats originally blamed #FakeNews for Trump's election, but the funds for that program go straight into the NDAA -- a program developed to spread propaganda through news outlets promoting the US government and its standing in the global community.

Moreover, WaPo is owned by none other than Jeff Bezos -- owner of Amazon.  A major backer of Hillary Clinton's doomed Presidential campaign, WaPo hired a significant number of employees around the Election, while competitors are laying-off editors, and readership and public trust in the American mainstream media are at historic lows.  The articles' purpose is to institute a Chilling Effect on the sharing of information provided by "leaks" -- the pejorative term outlets such as WaPo have given to those who expose government and corporate wrongdoing.  It is also meant to serve as an example to the sources themselves, and anyone considering becoming a "whistleblower."  Posting e-mail excerpts on a website is now "leaking documents," and sharing anything has become as fraught with danger and legal implications as reposting a meme on social networking.

Last week, we learned that President Trump's son met with a Russian lawyer during his father's campaign, and may have somehow broken the Law.  Julian Assange responded that Trump, Jr. should have allowed WikiLeaks to publish the information so they could shelter his identity for legal reasons, if nothing else.  The problem with this being that, if you aren't Donald Trump, Jr. -- with over 1mn Twitter Followers -- victims are usually cut-off from proper authorities and media, and terrorized into taking extraordinary measures to report incidents, risking the safety of others along the way.  Those putting "whistleblowers" at-risk are certainly aware of the Law, so coercing victims into discussing sensitive matters specifically to lessen their criminal liability or those claims' legal effectiveness in Court may be the very motive (in some cases).

When contacting others, targeted individuals find that 5KB files suddenly take hours to upload, their phonecalls to authorities are re-routed and mysteriously disconnected, their power or Internet connectivity shuts off repeatedly, programming language scripts hide online comments, VPN software toggles on and off, autonomous “Hidden Networks” appear, and more.  Encryption methods fail to operate, and Internet bandwidth throttling makes contact impossible, forcing targets to speak-out or launch investigations, lawsuits, and criminal proceedings on our own behalf.  But documenting, and especially "sharing," this information is being mischaracterized as a crime itself by powerful forces, determined to cover-up their own involvement in these sensitive matters.  They go to great lengths to prevent the truth from getting out.

Military agencies have perfected the art of silent war on unsuspecting citizens: Using sprawling surveillance, controlled chemical attacks, expansive misinformation campaigns, and gangstalking techniques, they terrorize, cyberstalk, and silence would-be "whistleblowers."  They have weaponized our technology, media, and entertainment, and invaded our personal and private lives for their own profit, under the guise of "national security."  Major, corporate-owned and -run, media outlets have willingly assisted this process through a variety of means -- usually by providing disinformation campaigns using buzzwords, edited documentation, and propaganda, as well as carefully scripted events.  The line between reality and propagandist fantasy is intentionally blurred, forcing viewers to constantly question their own judgment.  Eventually, the viewer tires and is lulled into passively viewing, without questioning the veracity or context of what she is watching.  Dubious legal practitioners help them manipulate little-known stipulations that reinforce their "right" to do these things.  

And this is not only done by the government: Corporations, institutions, SuperPACs, organizations, powerful individuals -- all use these tactics to affect, or control, the presentation of facts and events to the public and, thus, control the population itself.  Active Shooter Drills have been broadcast as actual events, and these same events have "gone live," resulting in real-world casualties; vital information has been suppressed; and numerous criminal acts and cases have been fabricated entirely.  These outlets do lie outright, but they also simply omit facts and information that fail to support their narratives and conclusions.

CNN's dogged pursuit of a memester proved that Big Media absolutely, and routinely, targets those who provide or disseminate content the Western Press deems unsuitable -- and this goes much deeper than a #FakeNews campaign hashtag.  This may well have been what happened to "Reality Winner," but we will never really know, since the collusion between major media corporations (and the telecoms providing it) and the US government -- particularly military, and unlicensed paramilitary, agencies -- is so widespread.   

The American Press is often referred to as the "Fourth Branch" of government, and cases such as Reality Winner's reveal the lengths to which it will go to silence dissent.  While Miss Winner's motives may be suspect, Federal Law states employees in her position must report misdeeds or face charges themselves -- so that's what she did.  The problem is not that whistleblowers "leak sensitive information," it's that the situations and conditions that force them to blow the whistle exist in the first place.  And the perpetrators are rarely brought to Justice.  

Had Reality Winner taken what she found to her superiors or colleagues, the matter would have disappeared -- and she probably would have, too.  She took it to the Press instead, and they are holding someone accountable — which is, arguably, one of the reasons the American Free Press exists.  That “Fourth Branch” is supposed to keep politicians honest (as honest as they get), explain legislature and political platforms to the audience in everyday language, and expose the truth — not sell perpetual War, sway Presidential “Debates," and terrorize the populace.

Everyday now, we hear tales of shadowy government agencies hacking their way into our networks, recording us over our TVs, and tapping our phone lines; meanwhile, corporations are tracking our every move online; and employers survey our social networking habits to ensure we are morally fit, hang-out with the right crowd, and don’t demean the company even when one is on one's personal account and personal time.    

Reality Winner may have gotten busted, she may have been “outed” by a rival news organization (ala CNN's meme lord) or "burned" by a secret agent, or she may have been spreading disinformation as part of her COINTELPRO job — we don’t know.  What we do know is that the US government has been recording everyday, innocent, American citizens for over a decade now, and “unknown parties” that never get captured are now allegedly hacking into these databases regularly and making off with that information.  The same agencies have been stockpiling hardware and operating system “flaws” to use as cyber weapons (alleged, unknown parties also got those — allegedly), and disseminating this information to known terrorist organizations in hopes of entrapping them.  At this point, the only persons who do not have full access to, and control over, their computers, telephones, privacy, or behavior are the individuals these organizations terrorize.

American civilians are being targeted by US agencies, their enemies, America’s enemies, corporations, news organizations, and others, thanks to the efforts of three letter agencies few of us knew existed two years ago.  And people like Reality Winner and Edward Snowden, and outlets like WikiLeaks and The Intercept, are helping expose and explain this mass violation of Constitutional and Human Rights, while The Washington Posts and CNNs do their best to thwart these peoples’ efforts.  

© Copyright 2017, The Cyberculturalist

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