If you have been trying to access The Cyberculturalist through its old URL (cyberculture.theweirding.net), you know it has not been resolving. Hopefully, we have cleared that up now, though it may take a while for it to actually get working. The new URL is www.cyberculturalist.com and you should update your bookmarks and URLs to reflect this.
For whatever reason, we are having issues with redirections on this end, so http://cyberculturalist.com and cyberculture.theweirding.net are not redirecting to this URL properly. We are working to resolve the issue, but for now, the best way to make sure you get to the blog is by coming directly to www.cyberculturalist.com.
Thanks for your patience!
© C Harris Lynn, 2009
1 comment:
Well, everything I know to do has been done and the CNAMEs have all been changed. It may take a day or two to propagate, but everything should now lead you directly to the correct URL. We'll just have to keep plugging away at it until it finally "takes."
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