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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Bing Beats Yahoo! to #2, Yahoo! Improving Services Over Fall

Fast on the heels of the news that Microsoft's search engine, Bing, had displaced Yahoo! as the second most-used search engine, Yahoo! announced it was upgrading its e-mail and search services over the fall. Critics question whether or not the attempt at "bringing cool back to Yahoo!" (Blake Irving, Yahoo!'s new chief product officer) comes too late.

Nielsen reports Bing, Windows Live, and MSN now account for 13.9% of the search market, combined; Yahoo! fell to 13.1%; while Google remains the leading search provider with just over 65% of the market. Analysts note that while Yahoo!'s activity has declined slightly, Google's remains flat; it appears Bing's advancement comes at Yahoo!'s expense, though figures prove the fledgling search engine has continued to grow since its release last summer.

However, both comScore and HitWise show Yahoo! not only maintaining its second-place position, but doing so quite handily. Chitika's figures show Bing having overtaken Yahoo! back in January (2010).

© C Harris Lynn, 2010

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